The impact of new QSR menu items on consumers

Lindsay Keener
Brand Journalist

From burgers and fries to soft drinks and shakes, fast-food menu items are staples in the quick-service experience. And they have a major impact on consumers.
While nostalgic menu items are known to inspire strong emotions in consumers, new menu items can also be influential. Amin Yazdani, CEO of Craver, a mobile app platform for restaurants, spoke to us about how consumers choose new items, how consumers respond to them and what marketing approach works best for introducing new items.
New menu items must make sense for the brand and consumers
When it’s time to choose a brand, consumers often reference their personality and shopping habits. Knowing what brand best aligns with their goals or lifestyle makes deciding which product to buy much easier. The same thing happens when consumers are introduced to a new menu item.
“Personality and shopping habits definitely play a big role in attracting customers to new menu items. We all know people who are incredibly food-fussy and only ever eat what they already know they like and others who are constantly trying out new dishes and cuisines,” Yazdani said. “ People are much more likely to try a new dish if its ingredients feel familiar because they’re already the talk of the town.”
Yazdani isn’t wrong. Consumers like familiarity. It’s one of the reasons the fast-food industry does so well. Consumers can trust that the food at their favorite chain will taste the same no matter where they are.
But what about new menu items? Does their introduction to your brand threaten the familiarity consumers have come to love?
“I don’t think familiarity & novelty are totally at odds with one another — McDonald’s will often add new items to their menu, but so long as the Big Mac doesn’t go anywhere everyone’s a winner. So I think the art is in keeping what people love and adding to your menu with intention. Ask yourself what you’re trying to provide and for whom,” said Yazdani.
In other words, your menu offerings are a reflection of your brand, so make sure any new additions are consistent with why your customers choose you.
Yazdani also recommends taking note of what your menu additions are and if they truly fit the needs in the marketplace.
“Research is always important — don’t make changes for the sake of changes, but understand who the item is for and what you’re trying to achieve. This can be inspired by food trends, customer preferences or gaps in your menu,” said Yazdani.

Lindsay Keener
Lindsay Keener is a brand journalist for Quikly. She covers stories that help to inform and educate consumer-facing marketers.

Lindsay Keener
Lindsay Keener is a brand journalist for Quikly. She covers stories that help to inform and educate consumer-facing marketers.