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Urgency Marketing: How to Cut Through the Noise and Motivate Your Audience (with podcast)

Urgency Marketing: How to Cut Through the Noise and Motivate Your Audience (with podcast)


Throughout Season Two, we’ve explored consumer psychology in all its forms — from how it impacts conversions to its effect on customer satisfaction. As we wrap up our conversations, there’s one last discussion to be had: how consumer psychology elements, used individually and together, help drive urgency in consumers.

Urgency marketing is about crafting marketing promotions in a way that drives immediate consumer response. It is comprised of five psychology principles: anticipation, scarcity and/or FOMO, social proof, and competition. It’s also our focus for the ninth episode of Market With Me Quikly.

Neil Yaekle is the Senior Vice President of Client Success at Quikly. He helps to ensure our clients are getting the best use out of their urgency marketing strategies. With more than 20 years of experience in urgency marketing and consumer promotions, Neil has worked with top brands like American Eagle and Domino’s Pizza to motivate over 40 million consumers. 

He sat down with us to discuss how urgency marketing can help cut through the noise interfering with customer relationships. Neil took us through the fundamentals of urgency marketing and how you can implement this tool to build stronger connections with consumers.

As an introduction to our conversation, I asked Neil to explain the power behind urgency marketing.

“I think of urgency marketing as a strategy to really get consumers to react more immediately and to elicit a different response than what brands have seen in the past,” said Yaekle. “The purpose of urgency marketing is to create a message that stands out and get the consumer to behave in the way a brand desires.”

Yaekle went on to discuss challenges that brands face, like the consumer response to messaging fatigue or purchase hesitation, that urgency marketing can help solve. We also tackled the concept of consumer empowerment and the methods brands are using to drive loyalty.

Listen to the rest of our conversation on Spotify and Apple Podcasts

As we prepare for the final episode of the season, we invite you to listen to older episodes and send any ideas for future discussions to my email at lindsay@quikly.com. Let’s cut through the noise together.


Picture of Lindsay Keener

Lindsay Keener

Lindsay Keener is a brand journalist for Quikly. She covers stories that help to inform and educate consumer-facing marketers.

Picture of Lindsay Keener

Lindsay Keener

Lindsay Keener is a brand journalist for Quikly. She covers stories that help to inform and educate consumer-facing marketers.