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Cyber Monday recap: 11 brands leveraging urgency marketing

Cyber Monday recap: 11 brands leveraging urgency marketing

The creation of Cyber Monday came from a press release sent in 2005 by the National Retail Federation's Shop.org. It has become an online event that leverages urgency marketing, which uses the same type of consumer psychology that piggybacks off of Black Friday. 

Companies and consumers have been celebrating the shopping holiday ever since, and it's increased in popularity every year. Due to the pandemic, this year companies were able to capture the attention of consumers who had already become used to shopping online.

Here are just eleven top brands who did just that:

1. Blick

Blick used rhetoric that implied competition among consumers along with urgency to act. Not only did the art-supply store offer their customers deals, but it also provided free shipping. Additionally, consumers could earn rewards, like coupons.

2. REI

REI offered its sale online and in stores. The brand incentivized consumers to act fast by using language that highlighted its one-day deal.

3. Dyson

Since many consumers buy tech products as gifts for the holiday season, Dyson served their customers by offering substantial discounts for a limited amount of time. 

4. Bombas

An apparel company, known mostly for socks and giving back to the homeless population, made a limited-time offer on every item in their store.

5. Nike

Like many sneaker brands, Nike is known for its flash sales. Cyber Monday was no different. The company emphasized the event's rarity, since it included "select styles that rarely go on sale."

6. Timberland

In addition to all of the usual tactics that surround a Cyber Monday sale, Timberland added that they'd plant a tree for every order.

7. Calvin Klein

Using a tiered approach to pricing, Calvin Klein incentivized people to buy more in order to save more. The limited-time offer before the holiday season encouraged people to act quickly.

8. Apple

A four-day deal ending at the close of Cyber Monday, Apple offered up an incentive that would serve a customer's gift-giving needs and their personal ones. The marketing encouraged consumers to buy a gift card for someone else, and keep one for themselves.

9. Bath & Body Works

Bath & Body Works extended its online sale to their brick-and-mortar locations. The company offered free shipping to consumers making cyber purchases, along with a countdown clock for watching to the event's end.

10. Hardee's

Retail brands aren't the only ones who took advantage of Cyber Monday. To incentivize gift card purchases, Hardee's included a discount that lasted only one day.

11. Applebee's

This popular restaurant brand incentivized a gift card purchase of $50 by including an additional two bonus cards.

Every year Cyber Monday becomes more popular as consumers become accustomed to making their purchases online. While the event only comes once a year, marketers can leverage urgency marketing to replicate its hype any day, all year round.


Picture of Andrea Gonzales-Paul

Andrea Gonzales-Paul

Andrea Gonzales-Paul is a brand journalist at Quikly. Her background is in storytelling, specifically working in TV news and documentary filmmaking.

Picture of Andrea Gonzales-Paul

Andrea Gonzales-Paul

Andrea Gonzales-Paul is a brand journalist at Quikly. Her background is in storytelling, specifically working in TV news and documentary filmmaking.