How top retail brands are engaging with customers right now

Lindsay Keener
Brand Journalist

While there may have been a time when consumers only expected brands to ensure seamless experiences and quality products, consumer expectations are steadily moving beyond products and services.
To successfully engage with customers in the age of social impact, retailers must focus on their values and the societal concerns of their shoppers.
We’ve written a list of three major retailers who are dedicating their efforts to change.
1. Maybelline
Before you can care for your external image, you must first nurture your internal health.
Cosmetics brand Maybelline New York recognized this and created the “I’m Fine, You?” podcast, a marketing channel designed to discuss the trials of mental health. The podcast is an extension of Maybelline’s "Brave Together" initiative, a support system to help those with anxiety and depression.
Podcast guests are encouraged to choose a mental health organization for Maybelline to donate to. The goal is to donate $10 million and reach one million people by 2025.
2. Lululemon
The athletic apparel brand is increasing its clothing options with the addition of its Performance and OTM Scarf Hijabs, two of three Hijab releases for its Muslim customers.
The Performance Hijab retails for $42 and is described as a lightweight material best for running and training. The Scarf Hijab comes in a soft, jersey fabric and is best for the brand’s on-the-go customers. It’s available for $38. The OTM Pull On Hijab has yet to be released,
3. Edgewell
Young people who are in the market for a new, conscious skincare brand are in luck.
Edgewell, the personal care brand over businesses like Schick and Hawaiian Tropic, recently debuted FieldTrip, a unisex skincare brand marketed toward Generation Z. The brand is currently selling seven products, all under $25, clean, cruelty-free and vegan.
Engaging with customers in today’s age means caring about the same topics they do. This is an effort that should be genuine, only approached with ethical intentions and a desire to improve the lives of those you serve.

Lindsay Keener
Lindsay Keener is a brand journalist for Quikly. She covers stories that help to inform and educate consumer-facing marketers.

Lindsay Keener
Lindsay Keener is a brand journalist for Quikly. She covers stories that help to inform and educate consumer-facing marketers.