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Brands are promoting holiday shopping now

Brands are promoting holiday shopping now

Every year, the holiday shopping season seems like it's starting a little bit earlier, mostly because: It is. It's actually a phenomenon known as "Christmas creep" — which began as Black Friday evolved.

This trend escalated digitally when Amazon launched Prime Day, and every year since, brands have been trying to compete both in-store and online. 

Because of the pandemic, marketers started preparing even sooner to circumvent problems that came with the upcoming uncertain holiday season. Challenges, like having the right amount of inventory and delivering packages on time, are factors that many companies have had to take into consideration.

Although our country is facing an unstable economic climate, a new report shows Black-Friday-like tactics ahead of the gift-giving season seem to resonate with consumers.

"U.S. online spending during the holiday shopping season is expected to rise 33% this year to $189 billion, getting a major boost from early promotions by retailers looking to take advantage of people hunkered down in their homes during the COVID-19 pandemic," according to Adobe Analytics.

Here are a few brands who have started incentivizing sales around the holiday season in October:

Vera Bradley

On Tuesday, October 27, Vera Bradley sent an email with the subject line: "Your favorite masks are now available in festive NEW prints!" 

Screen Shot 2020-10-28 at 10.51.21 AMAnthropologie

On Monday, October 26, Anthropologie sent an email subject line: "Let the holidays begin with FREE shipping! 🎄🎁." Since then, they've promoted a "NEW collection to lift your spirit ❄️"

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The Detroit-based house-plant delivery service, Bloomscape, started promoting their seasonal tree on Thursday, October 15 with the subject line: "Norfolk Pines are Here! 🌲 'Tis the Season"

Screen Shot 2020-10-28 at 9.47.54 AMHanna Andersson

This retailer sent an email on Sunday, October 25 with the subject line: "One reason to get your holiday shopping done early" — promoting deals.

Screen Shot 2020-10-28 at 10.35.45 AMLuby's

Even restaurants are finding ways to incorporate the holiday season into their messaging. On Monday, October 26, Luby's sent an email with the subject line: "Cater your holiday gatherings with Luby's!"

Screen Shot 2020-10-28 at 10.34.09 AMThe precedent of early digital promotions for the holidays could very well be here to stay. As the holiday shopping season continues to creep closer year after year, it will be important for brands to find engaging ways to cut through the noise.


Picture of Andrea Gonzales-Paul

Andrea Gonzales-Paul

Andrea Gonzales-Paul is a brand journalist at Quikly. Her background is in storytelling, specifically working in TV news and documentary filmmaking.

Picture of Andrea Gonzales-Paul

Andrea Gonzales-Paul

Andrea Gonzales-Paul is a brand journalist at Quikly. Her background is in storytelling, specifically working in TV news and documentary filmmaking.