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Get more blog subscribers with these four tips

Get more blog subscribers with these four tips

As Quikly’s Brand Journalist, I take all things blog-related quite seriously. I understand that it’s my job to educate and inform our audience and that I have two means of accomplishing this: writing relevant content and making sure the necessary people get their eyes on said content.

The first is relatively easy as long as I remain true to Quikly’s mission and the interests of our readers. The second, however, can come with some difficulty — even for the wisest of marketers. With this being said, I decided to compose a list of a few strategies that have come in handy for me during my role in hopes that it’ll help other bloggers grow their subscriptions.

Here are five tips to help your brand get more blog subscribers:

1. Write consistently

Writing consistently will help you maintain relevance in the lives of your readers. Remember that saying, “out of sight, out of mind?” It’s incredibly applicable in the case of your blog! You don’t want your readers to forget about you, and no matter how great your content is, you’re sure to lose the attention of a few audience members if you go missing for too long. 

Your readers have busy lives, and there are plenty of other brands vying for their attention; in order to establish yourself as a leader in written content, you need to create — and often. 

2. Promote your content on social media

There’s no understating the significance of social media on consumers. Its reach spans cultural backgrounds, age demographics and regions of the globe. This is all the more reason for you to let your social media followers know about your blog and encourage them to subscribe. The more you share news on social media regarding updates with your followers, the more you heighten the chances that curiosity will lead consumers to check out your content. 

3. Utilize your current audience

You have loyal customers, and it’s clear through their patronage that your brand is on their radar. In some way, you’ve showcased your value to them in the past, and they’ve recognized it. Your blog is another way of offering beneficial information to your followers — help them understand that.

Send information about new blog posts to your customers through previously established marketing channels like text messages, email and social media networks. Let them know what kind of content they can look forward to and how it will positively impact their customer experience.

4. Add a subscription form to your website

Where’s a more optimal place for blog promotion than your blog itself? 

Being a savvy marketer has a lot to do with how well you can make things convenient for your audience. If your customers are interested enough in your content to want to subscribe to your blog, they shouldn’t have to search high and low to find out how to do so.

Include a subscription sign-up form on your site somewhere readers will easily be able to spot it (don’t forget to optimize for mobile). This way interested consumers will be able to sign up for notifications with ease, preventing any chances that they’ll grow frustrated with a complex layout and leave your blog without subscribing.

5. Include links to relevant brand-related content

In tips three and four, you were reminded of just how important it is to give your readers information they can benefit from in the easiest way possible. Tip 5 is a reiteration of that fact.

If there are other pieces of content you’ve written, produced or published that you believe would be beneficial for your consumers to have an understanding of, include links in your blog post. Make sure that they build upon the material being discussed and that they align with your readers' interests. 

Adding value to the lives of your customers is a must for any good marketing campaign. It’s also apparent in each of the tips discussed in this post about acquiring more blog subscribers. Growing your blog subscribers will take time and diligence, but you can rest assured that your effort will reflect well on your brand. 


Picture of Lindsay Keener

Lindsay Keener

Lindsay Keener is a brand journalist for Quikly. She covers stories that help to inform and educate consumer-facing marketers.

Picture of Lindsay Keener

Lindsay Keener

Lindsay Keener is a brand journalist for Quikly. She covers stories that help to inform and educate consumer-facing marketers.